
Specificity principle vs acciciative
Specificity principle vs acciciative

We will discuss reflexes and modal action patterns and then move to a discussion of how repeated stimulation leads to either an increase or decrease in responding or the strength of a response. The second article will build on the pharmacodynamic principles examined in this article with a treatment of pharmacokinetics. Elicited behaviors are behaviors that occur due to a specific environmental stimulus. Contrary to the encoding specificity hypothesis both experiments. The encoding specificity principle suggests that subjects can retrieve information from memory only via cues encoded for retrieval at the time of study.

specificity principle vs acciciative

Because of this future performance requirement, teachers, coaches, athletic trainers, and therapists must design and establish practice conditions that will lead to the greatest probability of successful performance in situations that will require the practiced skills. principles that underpin the concepts to be discussed in the remainder of the series. Two experiments are reported which examined the concept of encoding specificity. And physical rehab patients practice skills so that they can perform them as needed in their everyday environment. Athletic trainers practice taping an ankle or knee so they can do it effectively and quickly with athletes when needed. We draw upon the Associative Network model of memory, as well as the principles of encoding-retrieval specificity, and cue distinctiveness, to argue that self-generated cue mnemonics offer an intuitive means of facilitating reliable recall of personally experienced events. A classic experiment on the encoding specificity principle had participants memorize a set of words in a unique setting. After completing this chapter, you will be able to. In general, the encoding specificity principle states that, to the extent a retrieval cue (the song) matches or overlaps the memory trace of an experience (the party, the conversation), it will be effective in evoking the memory.

specificity principle vs acciciative

The nervous system accounts for many of these differences. So context-dependent learning is a form of encoding specificity, and state-dependent retrieval is the recall of info learned with encoding. State dependent retrieval is an example of retrieving something after performing context dependent learning. Contraction type and speed, movement patterns, ranges of motion, type of fatigue, bilateral or unilateral, and so on all vary to form different combinations. Context dependent learning is predicated on the principle of encoding specificity.

specificity principle vs acciciative

Dancers need to perform in recitals, performances, and competitions. Concept: Variability of practice experiences is important for learning motor skills. The principle of specificity affects all muscle actions. A student in a physical education class who will receive a grade based on performance on skills tests wants to practice those skills in ways that will lead to a high level of performance on the tests.


For example, a basketball player needs to be successful shooting free throws in games. We propose that the specificity with which associations in episodic memory can be remembered varies on a continuum. A primary reason a person practices a skill is to increase his or her capability of performing it in future situations that will require the skill.

Specificity principle vs acciciative